Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Athletics at Diss High School

We had a fantastic afternoon at Diss High School today trying out lots of different athletics activities. These included javelin, discus, long jump, hurdles and relay racing. Some children had already tried out all of the activities at athletics club at school. 

The day had been organised by Rosemary Bloom and her Year 10 and 12 sports students.

Can you see yourself in any of these photos? You should be able to spot Sportosaurus who came along with us!

Here we are warming up...

The long jump was fun...

...and the shot-put.

We had a go at jumping over obstacles...

We had another warm up before we tried the hurdles.

It was a great opportunity to try out some sports and to meet some old friends too - lots of children from Class 3 knew children from other schools who were there. We even saw some children who were at Bressingham last year!

If you're interested in doing more athletics you can contact the club mentioned on your certificate. 

Well done everyone!

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Sports Day

Today was Sports Day!

Here is Class 3 in all their splendour!

As always, we started the day by being sorted into teams: red, yellow, blue and green. Year 6 children captained the teams and did a great job supporting and encouraging everyone.

The teams participated in a morning of different sporting activities where they had 8 minutes to score as many points as possible.

After break we had some time to make posters and bunting for the afternoon.

Then, after lunch the races commenced!

The sack race was first.

Then the 50m and 30m flat races.

Finally there was the long distance race - 200m!

At the end of the day, after all those events, the Yellows won! Well done everyone!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Our Library Session

Class 3 normally change their books in the library on a Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Phillips normally helps us out in the library every Wednesday and before school in the mornings. She is a parent who volunteers her time because she loves books and reading!

We're really lucky to be able to spend a little time choosing and reading...

Books are filed in the library by surname of the author if they are fiction (unless they are picture books) or by colour and number if they are non fiction. We are very lucky to have over 5,000 books in our library!

It's really important that books are scanned out using the computer so that the school can keep track of them, otherwise they can go missing and are expensive to replace.

Today, children in Class 3 found their favourite books to show you - look below to see their choices!

As you can see, some people had more than one favourite! We love books in Class 3!