After assembly we learned about some of the daily rules and tasks in Class 3.
We heard about Star of the Week, golden time and did daily spellings, then thought about the importance of school/class golden rules:
- We are gentle.
- We are kind and helpful.
- We listen.
- We are honest.
- We work hard.
- We look after property.
We decorated name tags for our pegs and then Mrs Andrew explained about School Council and everyone thought about whether they wanted to write their own manifesto and put themselves forward for election. Elections will be held tomorrow morning so you can work on your manifesto tonight if you want to make it extra persuasive!
Mrs Key will be teaching in Class 3 on Monday and Tuesday, and Mrs Andrew will be teaching on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
We looked at the new Home School Diaries and went through the Class 3 timetable. Mrs Andrew explained what all the lessons were. There will be sport with Norwich City Football Club!
We will be looking at Christianity and philosophy this term. Library day will be on Tuesday. We will be studying digestion in Science with Mrs Key.
Our topic this term will be the Stone Age and we will be reading 'Stig of the Dump'.
Tomorrow we will be doing PE so you will need to bring in trainers and your PE kit. Please try and remember to bring in bits and pieces for Mrs Key on Monday (as explained in the note in Home School Diaries) and please make sure any socks you bring in are clean!
The Home School Diary this year has a space for parents to sign to say you have read at home. Children who have read every day will be entered into Mr King's prize draw on Friday in assembly. The notes box at the bottom of the page is for parents to write a message to the Class teacher if they wish to. Parents should sign the page at the end of every week.
A letter about clubs will be sent out next week.
We finished off by making birthday cards for the following year.
Phew! A lot to take in and that was just the morning!