Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Further Investigations into Sound

      This afternoon we continued our investigations into sound. We learnt that sound travels in waves and we thought about what it travels through to reach our ears.

We banged a drum in different places around the classroom, including outside it, and decided whether the sound was louder or quieter and why.


We discussed what noise sounds like when we're under the water and whether sound can travel through brick, metal and other substances including air.

We went to different places around the school to listen carefully. What can you hear in the hall?
A fly buzzing and a pencil dropping - even the lights humming if you listen really well.

What can you hear here in Key Stage 1? The door banging on the frame, children and teachers in the classroom.

What can you hear in the playground? Cars going past, children inside the building and birds tweeting.

Finally, what can you hear on the school field? Birds singing and Bumblebees having a lesson outside.

We tried out homemade 'telephones' afterwards and found that the sound travelled much better when the string between our plastic cups was pulled taut...

Finally, here's a tune on the harmonica to end the lesson!

See what you can find out about sound for next week!


Thursday, 15 September 2016

School Council Elections

Today we voted for Barn Owl Class School Council representatives. The boys candidates were Ollie, Finlay, Joseph, Alex, Seth and Elliott. The girls candidates were Priya, Maisie, Faye, Minnie, and Grace.

The candidates gave reasons as to why they would make a good representative and the class made their choices. The voting was very close...

The winners were Ollie and Grace! Deputies are Finlay and Minnie who got almost the same number of votes.

Well done!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Myths, Legends... and Sound!

During the first week of term we were introduced to our new English topic, myths and legends. 

Mrs Andrew is helping us to study Greek myths and last week we heard about the story of Pandora. Mrs Waller has been looking at the legend of Robin Hood and today we started to prepare for a piece of extended writing on this topic.

We looked at some pictures of Robin Hood and worked on noun phrases which we will use in our writing.

During the afternoon we started our new science topic, sound.

We used everyday objects and instruments to see how sound is produced.

We watched rice jump on the surface of a drum when it was struck...

We could see the vibrations when an elastic band was twanged...

We could see the clapper of the bell vibrating...

And we could see the ruler oscillating when it was tapped...

We will continue our investigations next week!

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Welcome to Barn Owl Class

We have changed from Class 3 to Barn Owl Class and will soon be sharing some of the experiences we have had during our first few weeks.

We are looking forward to learning with Mrs Waller, our new teacher, who will be working on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Mrs Andrew will be working on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, as she did last year.