Thursday, 23 February 2017

George Seurat: Pointilism

Mrs Andrew shared more French art with us today when she talked about Georges Seurat and his particular kind of Impressionism, made using dots of colour. We had a go at trying out his technique and reproducing one of his paintings in our art books.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Christmas Stamp Competition

This morning we made designs for The Royal Mail Christmas stamp competition 2017. There are going to be about 250,000 entrants! 

What do you think of our work?

Thursday, 9 February 2017

France, French Cities, French Artists and Ottoline.

Now that our blog is up and running again we thought you might like to see what we've been up to. 

We are looking at the world and are studying France in detail. 

This afternoon we shared the work we have done on leaflets about cities in France. The towns and cities included Paris, Orleans, Rimes, Toulouse and Strasburg.

We have also been looking in detail at some works of art painted by French artists:

Mrs Andrew read more of 'Ottloline and the Yellow Cat' by Chris Riddell which we all enjoyed.