Thursday, 20 July 2017

Devising board games in maths: 20th July 2017

After lunch we finished the maths games we started last week. The children worked in groups to devise their own board games and, after instructions had been written, other groups tried them out to see how well they worked. Some groups found that working in groups quite difficult because everyone had different ideas of how to do things. A lesson in teamwork as well as maths!

Building using nets: 20th July 2017

After break the children chose nets of different kinds of homes to make models, and I think you'll agree that they made a really good job of them..

Let's go fly a kite... 20th July 2017

Our first fun activity today was to make kites. Mrs Andrew showed us how to make them using a sheet of A4 paper, a straw, some sticky tape, a small piece of card, some twine and some strips of plastic cup from a carrier bag.

They flew really well as you can see...

Now you've just got to remember how to make them at home!