Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Barn Owls and Tawny Owls big sleepover!

On Friday 8th February, all the way through until Saturday 9th February, Barn Owl and Tawny Owl children had a giant sleepover, at school!

Having left our bags in Rabbits Class, we wrapped up warm and took our torches outside, to play hide and seek, sardines and a lighthouse game in the dark. Playing games in the dark is one of our 100 memorable events...

When we came in, we unpacked our things and made our beds ready for bedtime later, before settling down with our friends to play games on our beds. 

Then time for hot chocolates (with all the trimmings) and a bedtime story before cleaning teeth and going to bed...

Before we knew it, it was the next morning! Everybody was packed up before bacon or jam butties for breakfast. Then it was time for more fun with our friends...

To get ready to go home, we carried all our kit back to Rabbits Class and, whilst waiting for our parents, did some yoga!

Everybody enjoyed our sleepover- children and staff...Everybody was happy and positive and resilient- all superstars at a big school sleepover...

World Book Day

We were very colourful on World Book Day, in our costumes...

We shared books that we had chosen from home, made book marks and drew and wrote about favourite characters from books. We love books in Barn Owls!

Barn Owls visit London!

An early start didn't affect the excitement of our children today 11th March 2019...we had the most fantastic visit to London!

It all started at the Houses of Parliament...

Then we walked down Whitehall, past the Cenotaph and other war memorials, to Downing Street and Horseguard's Parade. At the end of Whitehall, we went under Admiralty Arch and walked a little way down The Mall, so that we could see Buckingham Palace. After than, we came back to Trafalgar Square, where we ate our lunch, as we surveyed Nelson's Column, the lions and the fountains, along with watching all the people there- in the sun!

After our lunch we went to the National Gallery to see some world-famous paintings- magical- before looking back down Whitehall from the steps of this amazing gallery, to see all the way back to Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster, where our day had befun. Definitely three of our 100 memorable events...

Our DT project is about make soups that are made from UK ingredients and soups made with Latin American ingredients. 

First preparing some vegetables to make purées for tasting...

Then researching recipes and online information...

Before tasting the different purées we had made, together with some different ready-made soups, herbs and spices- great enjoyment ...

Now we have collected lots of design ideas, we will start planning our recipes.