Monday, 24 May 2021

Our Excellent Writing Skills!

Miss Tran feels so proud of all the amazing writing Barn Owls have done this year. We have all progressed so much and have a real enjoyment of writing now. Have a look below at our writing displays! We worked hard to write these double page spread non-chronological reports about a rainforest animal which we designed. This linked to our Science learning about evolution, living things and habitats.
! We also have enjoyed reading Leon and the Place Between and writing circus poems, character descriptions, persuasive circus posters and portal stories! Children also enjoyed learning about Victorian circuses and the first black circus proprieter, Pablo Fanque, who was born in Norwich!

Friday, 14 May 2021

Making art outside!

Barn Owls had lots of fun learning about the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. We looked at photographs of his work and responded to it. Children noticed how he only used natural materials and learnt new vocabulary like 'naturalist', 'environmentalist' and 'eco-friendly.' Then we went outside and collected our own natural materials, arranged them carefully and photographed them!