Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Wednesday June 25th: Sports Day!

A beautiful day set the scene for our sports day 2014. 

In the morning everyone in the school took part in lots of different sporting activities run by the teachers...

Once we had finished our activities Class 3 did some sketch practise by drawing their classmates in athletic poses!

After lunch sports day began in earnest!

The first race was the sack race - Year 4 boys and girls followed by Year 3 boys and girls.

This was followed by the 50m sprint....

The final running race was the long distance - year 3 and 4 boys and girls in two separate races.

There were two competitions for the entire red, blue, green and yellow teams; the beanbag up and over race:

....and a game to see how much water each team could collect in a bucket!

THEN there were prizes! 

Special commendations for pupils who had tried really hard and entered into the spirit of the games - Here are the winners in Class 3: girl and boy competitors from the whole of Key Stage 2 

...and the winning team, taking into account all the competitions both in the morning and the afternoon, YELLOW!! The Team captain accepted on behalf of her team mates.

Well done everyone and congratulations; a wonderful day supplemented by refreshments supplied by FABS and the Class 4 enterprise team and stirling work by raffle ticket sellers raising money for the Class 3 Roman day - more to follow later on that front!

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