First we learnt about light. Dr DNA told us about Sir Isaac Newton who discovered that when white light is bent you can see that it is made up of all the colours of the rainbow.
Dr DNA gave everyone diffraction glasses so that they could see all the colours in white light:
Dr DNA showed us a green laser light which couldn't be bent and remained green.
Then we talked about electricity and the Van der Graaf generator which was invented by Robert Van der Graaf who was an American. The generator generates 30,000 volts of static electricity and demonstrates how electricity finds its way to earth by the fastest possible route. We learnt that conductors like metal allow electricity to pass through them. Insulators like rubber and wood don't conduct electricity. Dr DNA discharged the static electricity with a wooden stick.
We learnt that children are also conductors - it was a hair raising experience for some of us! Some people gave each other static shocks! Remember we promised not to try this without a mad adult scientist present.
Then Dr DNA showed us a plasma ball. The gas inside is argon (remember Argos!) which is used In between the panels of glass in double glazing.
The plasma ball can be used to light up light bulbs using conduction - and this can be done through people as well!