Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Skipping: Wednesday September 10th 2014

This morning we were joined by John Massey who was teaching playground skipping games to all the children in the school. 

First of all we learnt never to run with a skipping rope. We learnt that skipping is the hardest form of exercise and that getting out of breath is good for your body. Doing 3 minutes of skipping is the same amount of exercise as running for 20 minutes! We also learnt that sweating is what your body does to keep cool and it is very important to drink when you exercise. 

The children tried out some different ways of skipping: 

straightforward skipping...

and skipping on one leg and then doing the can-can...

and one then two step skipping...

Also the kangaroo - jumping as high as you can!

Finally, skipping together, where one person who can't skip very well can learn from someone who can. It's important to skip close together, to talk to each other and to do the same skipping style!

After all the classes had spent time with Mr Massey the whole school assembled to see children demonstrating the different techniques:

Skipping ropes should reach from the floor to the skipper's shoulder when they are folded in half. You can tie the ends up if it's too long, but ropes that are too short can be a bit of a problem!

Mr Massey has left some skipping ropes for sale in the office if anyone wants to buy one. They are £4 each.

Happy skipping!

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