Monday, 1 December 2014

Viking bread making

On Wednesday a group of children made bread, Viking style. We made the dough using wholemeal and white bread flour, yeast, warm water, honey and salt. Some children chose to fill the bread with raspberries and honey, as the Vikings would have. The Vikings would also have used honey rather than sugar and would have had barley flour. They would also have used a yeast starter, often using beer, but we just used dried yeast for our recipe.

The bread rose well but unfortunately we didn't have time to let it prove so the finished results weren't as well risen as they might have been. However we all enjoyed making it and trying it the following morning.

One person wrote 'I enjoyed kneading the bread and making a plait as well as making the dough. I liked squeezing the dough because it felt squidgy. I really love my loaf of bread because it has lots of texture and [it has a] nice appearance, the flavour is lovely.'

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