Thursday, 22 October 2015

The Digestive System

This term we have been investigating the human body - you might have seen our blog about teeth. Here are a few other things we've been looking at.

Here is our 3D display of the digestive system. Three of the parts have been labelled - can you link the other labels correctly to the parts of the body?

Here's something to help you!

Art Club

Mrs Andrew is very enthusiastic about art and runs Art Club every week. During this half term the club has been producing portraits in the style of Picasso. Here is an original...

and here is the children's work:

I think you'll agree that they're a very talented group!

Stone Age Art

This term we have been learning about the Stone Age. As part of this topic we have read 'Stig of the Dump' and have written stories about Stone Age adventures. We've also produced topic work at home and have worked hard to produce some wonderful art as you can see below...

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Over the last few weeks in science we have been learning about teeth; how and why to care for them, what they are made of, the name of each type of tooth and its purpose. 

This week we concluding a very egg-celent enquiry into how much damage different liquids can do to our teeth. 

The results surprised many of us!

We had predicted the effects of fizzy drinks and water correctly but fruit juice, squash and milk were all very interesting. 

Some of us have concluded that we will try to drink more of one drink than another from now on! 

Monday, 5 October 2015

Visit from the Canon!

Canon Tony Billet came to visit Class 3 today for our Beliefs and Values lesson. 

We had lots of questions for him and he told us about the important times in people's lives that are celebrated in a church. 

He showed us what he wears for church services and we talked about the meaning behind the objects and rituals at the church. 

We are now ready to put together our illustrated visitors' guide to Bressingham Church! 

Thursday, 1 October 2015


This week we have been learning about shapes. We started by exploring the properties of two dimensional shapes and used Carroll and Venn diagrams to sort them. We discovered that 2D shapes that don't have curves are called polygons.

Today we investigated three dimensional shapes and looked for examples around the school.

We found lots of 3D shapes but couldn't find any pyramids in the staff room! 

3D shapes without curves are called polyhedrons.

We had great fun and are looking forward to further investigation tomorrow.