When we arrived the helpful staff gave us some background about the reserve and showed us some of the unusual birds we might see on our visit.
Everyone was given a set of binoculars and off we went to explore. First we looked at woodland habitat.
Then we walked out towards the sea and looked at the cliffs where the sand martins live..
On the photograph below the sea water is on the left of the path and the freshwater is on the other side of the path to the right. You can see the sluice gate on the left. The sea is straight ahead.
On the next photo you can see the sluice gate on the right:
As we neared the sea we came across a sculpture made from recycled plastic found in the beach.
We went onto the shingle beach to find objects to make artwork of our own...
Someone found a stone with a speech bubble on it!
Someone else found a stone which had a picture of a horse on it...
We used cloths as the backdrops for our pictures...it was very windy!
Some children created a face:
Others made an alien called Bob, a vase of flowers and a dog....
We returned the flotsam and jetsam to the shore and walked to the nearest bird hide, looking at some of the interesting plants and birds along the route.
This is sea kale:
We saw cormorants flying overhead:
We also found some sea holly:
And some horned poppy. The 'horns' contain seeds which shoot all over when the pods are dry. The poppies are yellow - they have died off now.
A few of us enjoyed some relaxation after all our walking!
Once we were refreshed we walked to another hide.
This time we saw a heron, ducks, deer, cows, an avocet and a hawk harrier...
One of the mums kindly took a photo of the whole group...
As you can see we had a great day out! Thank you once again to all the helpers who came along to lend a hand.
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