Tuesday 8 July 2014

Roman Day Tuesday July 8th 2014

Today was our Roman theme day, provided by 'Off the Page'. Master Tarquarius set the scene at the villa in Bressingham and explained the threat to the Romans in Britain from Boudicca who had set fire to Colchester... the rumours were flying! Some said that Boudicca had horns growing out of her head!

In the morning the children sampled some Roman activities. Metalwork...




And medicines...

We also made some clay pots after break...

The children were paid for the work that they did with Roman dinari:

Afterwards Tarquarius told us the story of King Midas who had the golden touch.

In the afternoon there was a festival and a feast! Master Tarquarius explained what everyone would be doing and the troupes went off to practice...

Master Tarquarius opened the festivities. 

There were slaves who waited on the guests with delicious treats...

There were plays and dancing...

 Together with a demonstration by the local garrison of Roman soldiers:

Class 3 were spellbound - a really interesting and enjoyable day as had by all, and many thanks to all the parents who came to help.

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